Elizabeth’s Publications


Cover of Essential Oil Use in Canine Veterinary Medicine

Essential Oil Use in Canine Veterinary Medicine: From the Practices of Holistic Veterinarians
Elizabeth Rowan Keith, PhD

This book comes from more than three years of research on essential oil use in canine veterinary medicine. Hundreds of holistic  veterinarians in the United States describe their use of essential oils in treating dogs. These veterinarians relate the scope, methods, purpose, and philosophy of essential oil use in clinical practice.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Canine-Veterinarian-Medicine-ebook/dp/B007YK1XA0

Cover of Essential Oil Use in Canine Veterinarian Medicine

Essential Oil Use in Canine Veterinarian Medicine: Techniques from Holistic Veterinarians
Elizabeth Rowan Keith, PhD

This is a guide for practical therapeutic administration of essential oils to canine patients. Specific methods of essential oil application in clinical and home settings are offered by six holistic veterinarians who are greatly experienced in their use.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Guide-Canine-Health-ebook/dp/B007YHNNY2

Cover of Essential Oils Research Bibliography

Essential Oils Research Bibliography
Elizabeth Rowan Keith, PhD

A bibliography of more than 400 sources covering
over 220 years of international publications relating to essential oils from
around the world.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Oils-Research-Bibliography-ebook/dp/B007YBQEW6

Cover of Teton Range Formation in the Rocky Mountains of North America

The Teton Range Formation in the Rocky Mountains of North America
Elizabeth Rowan Keith, PhD

This book describes the land and water formations that became the Teton Range of the Rocky Mountains of North America. Photographs and references included.

To purchase this book:

Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Teton-Formation-Mountains-America-ebook/dp/B007YHXE8W


Becoming Birch: Timeless Tales in the Wheel of the Year
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Step out of time and place to experience the holidays of the ancient world and those who celebrate them. Hear the graceful and wise voice of a woman who walked into the forest and remained as an enchanted birch. Beginning with an award-winning story, this collection rises out of Celtic antiquity and marks the ancient wheel of the year with a tale taking place on each of the natural holidays.

Amazon paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CS6SNVN5
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CS5LPN5T

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1526727

Minutes: Conveniently short stories
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Do you ache for a good read but only have a few minutes? This is the book for you. This collection promises a memorable short story for the time you can spare and leave you knowing your choice for those minutes was worthwhile.

Amazon paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CS6SNVN5
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CS5LPN5T

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1506245


Cover of The Lie

The Lie
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Suddenly alone and left with a lie, a resolute young woman wages the injury of truth against the protection of a lie as she shapes a place for herself in world manipulated by war.  In rural America during World War II, as the fabric of society is wrinkled and torn by patriotic efforts and perils of place, navigating survival of self and community is a creative endeavor.

Amazon paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Lie-Elizabeth-Rowan-Keith/dp/1973414090
Amazon Kindle:  https:  //www.amazon.com/Lie-Elizabeth-Rowan-Keith-ebook/dp/B071S7XMQ2

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1440073


Cover of Annie McGuire

Annie McGuire
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Inspired by verse on the gravestone of a child in an old cemetery, this is the touching story of family and friends who may have surrounded the little girl buried there.  Filled with love and tenderness, this tiny tale provides a view of simple times gone by, and leaves the reader with a warm heart and a misty eye.
To purchase this book:
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/377345
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Annie-McGuire-Elizabeth-Rowan-

Cover of Ashes Ashes All Fall Down

Ashes, Ashes, Don’t Fall Down
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Dedicated to those who have been trapped in abuse, this is a short story of one girl’s survival. Escaping into books, she is able to endure until she reaches adulthood, when she walks out of her troubling past and into the promise of her own future. Along with a mantra taken from a nursery rhyme, and the companionship of fictitious and biographical characters of Nancy Drew, Laura Ingalls, Anne Shirley, Clara Barton, Florence Nightingale, Harriet Tubman, Charles Dickens, and George Washington Carver, she navigates her way to freedom.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ashes-Dont-Fall-Down-ebook/dp/B00DXON49Y

Cover of The Poet

The Poet
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Chance meetings and random assignments. Occasionally such events take a person on a course never imagined. As simple as those we meet may seem, there could be an unexpected wisdom and wit waiting to unfold. These are the serendipitous events that change our lives for the better, even if we think differently at first This story is dedicated to the members of the sanitation industry, in which this story takes place.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C1RJ4JI

Cover of Ostara's Delight

Ostara’s Delight

Elizabeth Rowan Keith

At dawn on the spring equinox, when the natural world is in balance and fully engaged in regeneration, Epona, guardian of those moving in and out of life, meets Ostara taking colored eggs and baked goods to their friend Freya at the time of her child’s birth. Once the baby arrives, Ostara returns to the forest for a private reunion with one who patiently waits there only for her. Standing well on its own, this story is the fourth in a series to mark Earth holidays. Taking place in the birch grove first introduced in the award-winning Blood Moon, it offers a peek at the charming Little People of Yule at My Feet, and follows the magical events of Midwinter Guest.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BXP600A

Cover of Memories and Mean Chickens

Memories and Mean Chickens
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Set in a rural, southern mountain town in the United States during an era of uncertainties due to the Vietnam War and new civil rights laws, this is a story of an unassuming woman who courageously follows her heart. The American South tends to produce strong women. Celia is no exception. She lives and loves honestly. Orphaned as a teenager, she manages to see herself and her younger brother into adulthood by waitressing at a diner and raising chickens. Her brother joins the Army as she marries a good man who claimed love at first
sight. Tragically, she loses both of them. In her grief, Celia discovers a new and lasting love with a man who long admired her from afar. It does not matter to her that his skin is darker than hers.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Memories-and-Mean-Chickens-book/dp/B00BX6HTTA

Cover of Blood Moon

Blood Moon
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

An award-winning story of possibility as the veils thin at the full moon times of autumn, allowing inhabitants of different worlds to meet. If this story were yours, would you be horrified or happy?

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009WRW8Q6

Cover of Fools Rush In

Fools Rush Inn
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

There is nothing quite like the moment when a vehicle comes to rest after spinning off the road. What comes next? In this case the driver spends the winter in an isolated mountain inn. Set to the theme of a tale from antiquity, this story follows the residents of the inn through a season of compassion, acceptance, frailty, and fun. Set in the Rocky Mountains of North America, this richly descriptive story provides a view of winter in Wyoming, and the unexpected aspects of spring.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Fools-Rush-Inn-ebook/dp/B00AGZTC1M

Cover of Hot Spiced Tea

Hot Spiced Tea and Ginger Biscuits
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

A tiny tale large with life and love between a grandmother and granddaughter. Told as a warm memory in the cold of winter, this story shares a touching view of women through the generations.

To purchase this book:

Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Spiced-Ginger-Biscuits-ebook/dp/B00AXO7434

Midwinter Guest

Midwinter Guest
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Freya, the fierce and passionate woman of Norse legend reunites with Brighid, whose timeless eloquence and inspiration has brought her to homes and hearts in the Celtic lands and beyond. Coming together in a quiet birch grove that holds its own magic, the two women mark the Earth’s turn toward spring. This story follows Blood Moon and Yule at My Feet in the order of Earth holidays, yet stands entirely on its own.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Midwinter-Guest-ebook/dp/B00B84PU8Y

Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Cities are not always more dangerous than the country.  Rural hospitality is not always as warm as it is imagined.  An invitation to a family meal is not always a good thing.  In this short tale, one traveler on a lonely road learns how horrifying remote encounters with isolated people can be.

To purchase this book:
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/372380
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Pumpkin-Patch-Elizabeth-Rowan-Keith-ebook/dp/B00GEFIO0S

Cover of She Haunts Me

She Haunts Me
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Based on a true event, this is the touching tale of a woman misunderstood and left unjustifiably incarcerated for life in a psychiatric institution. Depending on her own unique link to faith, she is forever a sparkle of light in her dim surroundings, leaving valuable lessons in her wake. It is a story of joy, heartbreak, surprise, and anger, and is destined to be remembered.

To purchase this book:
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/372007
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/She-Haunts-Elizabeth-Rowan-Keith-ebook/dp/B00G5R2Q90

Cover of Yule At My Feet

Yule at My Feet
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

A richly-descriptive tale of Yule celebration among Little People in the forest.
With generosity, gratitude, food, and fun, these Little People come together in
enviable style. A sequel to the award-winning “Blood Moon,” this story will warm hearts throughout the winter.

To purchase this book:
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Yule-at-My-Feet-ebook/dp/B00AEE0P6G

Final Judgement
Elizabeth Rowan Keith

Who waits for you after you leave this life?  What happens next?

Meet Justice, who records the deeds of your life and totals the columns in your book of life, and then determines your fate.  Observe the conversation with one new arrival to understand how the final tally and reckoning may occur.

Imagine yourself in this conversation.  How would you fare?

To purchase this book:

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1440061

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CG87J7QN